Jun 5, 2021Liked by You Don't Need Maps

My mom bought me (basically) the entire Animorphs collection, used, in not great condition, on eBay, sometime when I was in grade school. I devoured these books and their characters. I was absolutely obsessed with Tobias (first book crush?!) which, looking back, kinda makes perfect sense. I unfortunately don't think I made it through the entire series, because around the time I was getting to the last books in the series, I was beginning my life long struggle with intense depression. I kinda don't remember a lot of this part of my life, but I remember not being able to get through some parts of the last books because of just how depressing they were. They were just too much for my little 10 (11? 12? I don't remember) year old brain. This post makes me wish I still had all my books so I could re-read them. Sadly, I think my mom ended up returning them to eBay. I've never been one for ebooks (reading on screens hurts my eyes) but I might have to make an exception for this series.

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